Spelling of the Language of Outdoor Visual Advertising

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  • Koshanova N.D. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Zhylkybay G.K. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


advertising language, outdoor advertising, sociolinguistics, advertising text, spelling.


In Turkestan, advertising in a market economy has become an integral part of the social life of the city. Advertising is politics, economics, culture, the ideology of the city and activities combined with linguistic science, which should attract the attention of the country. It is obvious that advertising in Turkestan permeates all spheres of human activity and meets the needs of society. The effectiveness of an advertising campaign depends on the rationality of the language design of the advertising text. An important point in the preparation of an advertising text is the choice of language means used in the text, compliance with spelling rules. The identification of the features of the language of the advertising text within the framework of advertising propaganda is carried out within the framework of sociolinguistics, pragmalinguistics, functional stylistics and the theory of communicative linguistics. From a linguistic point of view, there is an interest in language.

The correct understanding of the psycholinguistic effectiveness of advertising impact is an assessment of the direct relationship between advertising and the sale of goods, that is, the ability of advertising to influence consumer preferences. More importantly, advertising is understandable to the consumer, it is designed in such a way as to attract attention, be easily remembered and evoke positive emotions. The problems of the theory of psycholinguistics in this direction include the psychological structure of the perception of advertising and, accordingly, advertising activities. The cognitive component depends on a person's perception of advertising information.

The main characteristic of the article is the increasing role of Turkestan advertising in the development of society, in particular, significant activity in the development of tourism, patterns of participation, features of the use of language units in psychological impact, the spelling of advertising, how well spelling patterns are observed at the linguistic level, consideration of ways to convey spelling principles in the language of Turkestan advertising.


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