Formation of Professional Competence of a Future Music Teacher in the Process of Studying the Discipline «The Main Musical Instrument is the Piano»

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  • Kuzdeubayeva A.B. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Aisina S.T. A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University
  • Zhakaeva K.A. A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University


competence, formation, music, instrument, discipline, pedagogy, technology, teacher.


The purpose of our research is to consider the technology of forming a professional competence approach of a future music teacher in the discipline of the musical instrument, namely in the classroom-piano. We applied a set of methods of scientific cognition, namely: analysis of philosophical, psychological, musical and pedagogical literature, content analysis of the basic concepts of research, observation, introspection, self-assessment, conversations.

In the course of the research, a terminological analysis of the concept of “technology for the formation of professional competence” was carried out, criteria and components were identified. Based on the data obtained, the author's approach to the interpretation of this definition is formulated. In the process of considering the features of the organization of the learning environment as an effective technology for the formation of professional competence of a future music teacher in the discipline “The musical instrument is the piano”, the essential characteristics of this discipline were identified, we tried to reveal the mechanisms of action of the technology of professorial competence, namely the mastery, implementation and development of professional musical competencies of students in the piano discipline. Based on the analysis of various points of view on the activity and competence of the individual, we give an explanation of the concept of professional competence of the individual in training.

The professional competence and preparedness of future music teachers is manifested in their ability to master and study their profession, to master skills and abilities in organizing the process of musical and pedagogical activity at school.


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