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  • TALDYBAEVA М.D. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • ORAZBAYEVA F.Sh. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


Kazakh language orthography, psycholinguistic aspect, psychological feature, spelling skills, modeling teaching, motivation, spelling pattern.


The article discusses the psycholinguistic aspect of modeling the Kazakh language orthography for students in higher educational institutions. The level of learners’ psychological features and abilities is determined by mastering the orthographic rules of the Kazakh language. Special attention was paid to forming students’ points of view, making reflective conclusions, and enhancing their effective use of communicative skills. This study deals with the help of the psycholinguistic direction, possible techniques to assess how a person perceives a certain concept, and how he or she uses the information to express it. Also, students' communicative skills, general communication, mental abilities, and self-behavior were taken into deep account in teaching Kazakh orthography. It was noted that the development of the student’s thinking system is as important as the improvement of his or her speaking skills in modeling teaching.When teaching with the help of modeling, it was taken into account that the more important the development of the student's thinking system, the more significant the improvement of his speech skills. Attention is drawn to the fact that modeling training plays a special role in the development of communicative and cognitive competencies of future professionals. Thus, students were taught mutual consent, communication, exchange of opinions, defending their opinions and reasoned speech. The work in this area also took into account the psychological readiness of students to interact.


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