Innovative Methods and Technologies for the Formation of Research Skills of Students in Teaching Geography

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  • Sadykоva B.B. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Еsnazarоva U.A. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Tоkbеrgеnоva A.A. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


innovative methods, research skills, collaborative learning, brainstorming method, problem-based learning, project method, pedagogical geography.


Currently, innovations are being implemented through dialogue learning, diagnostic, distance learning, project method, collaborative learning, problem-based learning, collective learning, brainstorming and other learning technologies and methods. Among these innovative methods, methods that were effective, formed research skills of schoolchildren and gave positive results are presented in the article. Barriers to the formation of students ' research skills are identified and solutions are presented using new methods. The reasons for changing the paradigm of students ' attitudes towards learning were also revealed.

In the course of teaching geography, various methods and techniques have been used so far. And in teaching a child of a rapidly changing society, there was a need to form research skills, influencing the thinking of students. That is why new methods, new classifications are needed. The great scientific and practical significance, effectiveness of this classification, its function as a guide for design, selection and evaluation are analyzed by the authors in the article.

The analysis of school experience on the topic of the study made it possible to identify a number of stages in the development of students ' educational and research skills with a new methodology.


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