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  • BALGINBAYEVA K.G. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • MUBARAKOV A.M. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


professional growth of a teacher, methodical work, teaching experience, general education institutions, national project, methodological support.


The article deals with the problem of organizing methodological work in general education institutions, within the framework of the priority national project “Quality Education “Educated Nation”. Methodological work to ensure the activities of educational institutions should be a comprehensive system combining two types of education with vocational education. This is a training for heads of educational institutions and subject teachers, the content of which involves the formulation and proper implementation of the national priority project national project “Quality Education “Educated Nation” and subsequent interaction with the teaching staff.

The article describes a model of organizational and methodological support for teaching staff in Astana. To identify the state and directions of the organization of methodological support of teachers in Astana, an empirical study was conducted. 

 As part of the study, a survey of managers and teachers of all secondary education organizations in Astana was conducted to compare the implemented models of organizational and methodological support and compare the responses of managers and teachers for a complete analysis of the pros and cons of the existing model. The responses of managers (as organizers of methodological support) and teachers (as receiving methodological support) were compared to find out how the model of methodological support is implemented in practice, and which factors determine the effectiveness of methodological work.


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