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  • YERMEKBAYEVA A.Sh. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


inequality of women, literary female characters, tragic life of Kazakh women, the aggravation of relations within the framework of human values.


The fate of women is one of the most urgent issues at any time. Since literature and human society are closely related, poets and writers cannot refuse to write about human values. Poets and writers of all times were able to convey the true picture and main problem of their era through the fate of the main characters of their works. The article considers the nature and inequality of women in the Kazakh society through works of national literature written at the beginning of the 20th century. In the course of the study, the images of female characters in literary works were analyzed and their fate was considered from the perspective of humanism and morality. The authors pay attention to the topic of women's freedom and inequality in the works written at the beginning of the 20th century, delve deeper into a number of issues, and closely consider the problems of social inequality in the Kazakh society and the period of tension of relations within the framework of universal values. As a result, they determined the factors that affected the sad life of Kazakh women and limited their freedom and inequality at the beginning of the 20th century. The authors used the historical method, comparative and research methods, as well as the principles of synthetic psychology, which are widely used in the analysis of literary works, while analyzing the fate and images of female characters in the Kazakh society in the mentioned historical period.


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