The Appearance of Postcolonialism in the Poetry of East Turkestan

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  • Toltay F. Pamukkale University


post-colonialism, neo-colonialism, colonialism, rich, poor, East Turkestan poetry, Kazakh poets in China.


The article discusses the arrival of communism in East Turkestan, which wanted equality for the colonized peoples of the world and pursued an anti-imperial policy, and its influence on Kazakh poetry in China, as well as the manifestations and features of the policy of the Chinese government, forcibly introducing the ideology of denationalization into modern small peoples, into the poetry of East Turkestan , and its influence on Kazakh poetry in China. Chinese communism, which spoke the language of the poor in the society of East Turkistan, like Soviet communism, influenced the culture and literature, traditions and customs of minorities under its neo-colonial perspective through literary texts.

In the first part of the article, through a poem by the Kazakh poet Makatan Sharipkan, the penetration of Chinese communism into East Turkestan, which wanted to eliminate class division in society and protect the equality of the poor, is considered. Focusing on the characters of the poem, they paid attention to the semiotic and semantic artistry and originality.

In the second part of the article, despite the pressure of the Chinese government, which owns East Turkestan, the manifestations of national values, national identity and originality in modern Kazakh poetry were analyzed through the poems of such poets as Omargazy Aitanuly, Zhenis Kakenuly, Orken Salubay. As part of these studies, analytical forecasts were made for the development of national anti-colonial literature in modern East Turkestan poetry.


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