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  • BESKEMPIROVA А.O. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • TAMAEV А.Т. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
  • ADIYEVA P.М. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


folk prose, genre analysis, fairy tales, cultural significance, heritage, differentiation criteria.


his paper deals with the analysis of Kazakh folk prose texts and provides the criteria for performing functions such as aesthetic, didactic, and practical education of genres. Through this study, distinct attributes and cultural significance within Kazakh folk prose were uncovered, fostering a profound comprehension of literary heritage. To achieve this, various global folklore studies approach is employed to explore the enchanting appeal of Kazakh folk prose, particularly within the realm of fairy tales, and its ability to impart invaluable life lessons. Furthermore, non-fictional prose was revealed to serve as a conduit for conveying practical knowledge concerning Kazakhstan’s natural environment and historical past. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the unique nature and features of Kazakh folk prose, it is imperative to adopt an inclusive approach that takes into account both its cognitive and artistic dimensions. Scholars who have delved into the genres of Kazakh folk prose and their artistic functionalities have made substantial contributions to our holistic comprehension of this cherished legacy, shedding light on its cultural implications, and showcasing the collective wealth of the Kazakh people. By dissecting these notions, this study unveils the efficacy of a comprehensive grasp of the literary heritage, encompassing its cultural significance and nuanced delineation of invaluable ideas. We are of the conviction that this endeavor will kindle the ardor for safeguarding and distinguishing the prose legacy within Kazakh folklore, propelling onward investigations and a heightened reverence for this illustrious literary lineage.


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