Characteristics and Signs of Féerie (Based on Examples of Literary Works of the Early XX century)

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  • Yeskermes Y.A. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Zhaparova A.Zh. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


feerie, genre conventions, formal signs, féerie effects, fantastic elements, metamorphoses.


“Féerie” is a term often associated with magic that is found in various forms of artistic expression, including literature, theater and visual arts. The relevance of the article is characterized by the analysis of the “féerie” in the genre and structural aspect in the context of structure and composition in general fiction and on the examples of the works of A. Green “Scarlet Sails”, M. Maeterlinck “Blue Bird, Lesya Ukrainka “Forest Song”. On the basis of examples of works of art taken for analysis, a comprehensive presentation of the nature of the “féerie” in a literary context is carried out. The purpose of this article is to reveal the originality of the “féerie” and its manifestations in the work. Comparative and generalizing methods were used in the analysis of the “feerie” based on the texts of works of art. Special attention was paid to the consideration of characters, situations, quarrels, images that are considered separate components of the “féerie”. The works also reflect the interaction of “féerie” with other genre types (fairy tale, mythology, fantasy) and the integration of their personal qualities. Thus, a comparative analysis of the features of “féerie” in various works allowed us to identify the most important criteria for determining the genre of “feerie”. It was possible to show the genre nature of literary “féeries” written at the beginning of the XX century, to identify their common features and features through textual comparison. As a result of the research, it is concluded that the “féerie” in artistic works partially retains its properties inherent in the theatrical sphere.


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