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  • TORYBAYEVA J. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • TUSSEYEV M. Central Asia Innovation University
  • ZHORABEKOVA A. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University


volunteer, activity, safety, educational environment, student youth, healthy lifestyle, university.


The well-being of citizens, encompassing their psychological health and adherence to a wholesome lifestyle (HLS), assumes a pivotal role in steering societal rejuvenation, modernization, and transformation. This is particularly vital for nurturing the younger generation and catalyzing the construction of New Kazakhstan, propelling its ascent to the ranks of the world's most developed nations.

The presented article emerges from the context of a scientific project with the core objective of delving into the mechanics of orchestrating volunteer initiatives and furnishing scientific and methodological support. The central focus resides in cultivating a psychologically secure educational milieu that champions healthy lifestyles for young individuals within the vocational education system.

The paramount relevance and societal gravitas of this issue have enabled the authors to delineate pathways to enhance the training of future teacher-psychologists. The spotlight of this enhancement is cast on the orchestration of volunteer activities that underpin a secure educational environment conducive to fostering healthy lifestyles among young learners. The efficacy of this ongoing endeavor emanates from its multi-pronged approach: a meticulous alignment of developed materials with regional nuances; a concentrated effort on cultivating practical proficiency in the application of health-preserving technologies; and a deliberate emphasis on fostering synergistic collaborations between educational institutions and community support structures.

The yield of this rigorous exploration, coupled with scientifically grounded recommendations, serves as a guiding compass for educational managers and instructors within higher and secondary vocational education domains. These insights illuminate pathways for formulating educational programs, crafting elective courses at higher and postgraduate levels, shaping the preparation of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral candidates in the realm of psychological and pedagogical studies. Moreover, they also underpin the creation of advanced training modules tailored for educators in universities and colleges.


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