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  • TAVSTUHA O.G. Orenburg State Pedagogical University
  • BAIKHOZHAEVA G.M. Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University
  • IBADULLAYEVA S.Zh. Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University


biodiversity, biology teachers, education, process, student, ecosystem.


This article discusses the issues of studying biological diversity in the process of preparing future teachers of biology. Currently, issues of biodiversity conservation are considered at the global, regional and local levels. The intensification of the use of natural resources, the growing rate of environmental pollution in the 20th century, led to crisis phenomena and in many cases caused environmental disasters. Anxiety for the future of the planet today is recognized by society and today it becomes obvious that it is impossible to ensure the stability of the biosphere with technical solutions, since the current environmental crisis is largely due to the crisis of culture. The interaction of man with nature, the sustainability of life on Earth will be possible if the achievements of science, education and culture as a whole are focused on developing an understanding of nature as a universal and absolute value. The key role in overcoming the crisis and transition to sustainable development belongs to the education system.

Science and education are the core of modern civilization. The unity of the educational and scientific processes is a necessary condition for the development of the individual and the harmonious training of a highly qualified specialist. Determining the scientific foundations and developing a methodology for studying the content of biodiversity in the process of preparing future biology teachers at the university. The study of the content on biodiversity in the process of preparing biology students at a university can contribute to the successful formation of knowledge and skills that contribute to the formation of professional competencies of a biology teacher. The survey of students allowed us to obtain results indicating a low quality of assimilation of basic knowledge, revealing the content and related to the concept of “biodiversity”. At the ascertaining stage of the study, in order to identify the state of the problem of the formation of biological students' knowledge about biodiversity, a control cross-section of knowledge was conducted. The results of the control cross-section of knowledge indicate that the knowledge about the levels of biodiversity and approaches to biodiversity conservation is the weakest among students. The majority of students assimilated knowledge, the control of which was carried out within the framework of the ascertaining experiment, and corresponded to levels II and III, which in turn confirms the relevance of the research problem.


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