The Formation of Professionally-based Competence of Future Foreign Language Teachers through Using Digital Technologies

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  • Mendekenova A.D. Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages


professional competence, professional-based competence, digital technologies, digital educational platforms, blockchain technology.


This scientific article is devoted to the study of the methodology for the formation of professionally-based competence of future foreign language teachers through using digital technologies. The purpose of the scientific article: to develop a methodology for the formation of professionally-based competence of future foreign language teachers through using digital technologies and to test the developed methodology on the basis of the experiment. In order to determine the theoretical significance of the scientific article, literary resources related to the topic of scientific work were analyzed and studied. The concept of “professional-based competence” was defined. The sub-competences of the professionally-based competence of future foreign language teachers were presented. The importance of using digital technologies in the formation of professionally-based competence of future foreign language teachers was described. The types of digital technologies for the formation of professionally based competence of future foreign language teachers were analyzed. The use of blockchain technology, which is part of digital technologies, in the formation of professionally-based competence of future foreign language teachers was described. A methodology for the formation of professionally-based competence of future foreign language teachers was compiled. The methodology for the formation of professionally-based competence was tested on the basis of the experiment. The experiment involved the control and experimental groups of 106 students. The methodology for the formation of professionally-based competence of future foreign language teachers was developed on the basis of a digital educational platform called “professional-based digital practicum”. A series of data blocks were published in this digital practicum. The conducted experiment was analyzed. Based on the analysis, the results of the experiment were summarized.


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