Improving the Learning of the Limits of Numerical Sequences through the Maple Computer Mathematics System

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  • B. Kalimbetov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • G. Kulachova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


сандық тізбектің шегі, математикалық талдау пәнін оқыту, оқыту нәтижелері, дидактикалық мақсат, Maple компьютерлік математика жүйесі.


The article discusses organizational measures for training future specialists in mathematics using computer mathematics tools, tasks, defining approaches and positions, planning research directions, determining the expected result, evaluating results and other issues of improving activities. It is shown that the educational activity of studying the theory of limits using computer mathematics plays an important role in the formation of students' opportunities for the comprehensive manifestation of creative abilities, the development of knowledge and research abilities, active independent work, work planning, individual or collective work that must be performed to achieve a result, which must be performed to achieve a result. The corresponding themes related to the theory of limits are listed in accordance with the state general educational standards of education of the specialties “Mathematics” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the content of conceptual curricula for the study of the theory of limits, scientific and methodological foundations of topics conducted in lectures and practical classes, problem tasks corresponding to their mastering the formation of skills at four levels. Their assimilation, corresponding to the activities of students related to the formation of four-level competencies, the goals of achieving results in practical classes and calculating the limits of numerical sequences using the Maple computer mathematics system.



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