Using the Method of Microclonal Reproduction of the Genus Tulipa in the Learning Process

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  • G. Turmetova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • А. Abdikalikova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Tulipa relative, Murasiga-Skuga nutrient medium, microclonal reproduction, explant, in vitro, virus-free material, phytohormone, organogenesis.


The article considers the work to improve the skills of students in the educational process, as well as in the course of research work, organizational and pedagogical conditions, software and methodological support.
Today, many plants use modern biotechnological methods to increase the efficiency of reproduction. In the study, the seeds of the genus “Hessner” belonging to the genus “Tulipa” were developed in the laboratory, by the method of microclonal propagation, and the implementation of the educational process of the university.
In writing the article, we used the works of foreign scientists on the topic. In the study, the morphogenetic potential of the seed was studied. Questionnaires were used as an empirical method to determine the level of knowledge of students. During the disinfection of the selected seeds were processed with the help of several sterilizers, and a sterilizer with a positive effect on seed growth was selected. For the intensive development of a new shoot, phytohormones were introduced into the nutrient medium, the development and influence on the division into microlubular shells, the root-forming ability of microlubules were studied.
The results of the study are presented as a laboratory lesson in the learning process of effective methods of reproduction technology of the genus “Hessner” of the genus “Tulipa”. Competitive knowledge, skills and abilities can provide scientific guidance in the training of specialists in the field of biology and laboratory practice for teachers.


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