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  • Shiska Sumawinata Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Dewi Raihan Aryanti Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Labibatussolihah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


South Kalimantan, gender, gender equality, division of labor, local tradition, Baayun Mulud.


Baayun Mulud is a routine tradition every year, held every month of Maulid (Rabiul Awal) by the people of South Kalimantan. The emergence of this tradition is the result of a long process of acculturation between Islam and animism. There is a religious-magical belief that if Baayun Mulud is not performed for royal descendants, it will harm their baby due to supernatural disorders. For other non-royal communities, the Baayun Mulud tradition is believed to be a ritual that reflects gratitude to God, who has bestowed His grace and gifts and sent Prophet Muhammad SAW as a bearer of grace to earth. The tradition that routinely involves many people is closely related to the division of labor since the tradition of the next generation. This paper will explain the division of tasks between women and men in implementing the Baayun Mulud tradition from a gender perspective. Researchers use literature studies to deepen the study of this tradition by tracing the sources of books and journals. Although they tend to live in a patriarchal cultural and religious context, it turns out that this tradition can be said that the spirit of gender equality in terms of the division of labor is quite significant and explicit from women in the Baayun Mulud tradition.


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