Comparative Analysis of the Interpretations of the Explanatory Works of Badruddin al-Aini and Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani to the Collection of «Sahih al-Bukhari»

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  • А. Ilesbekov Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak
  • А. Zhamashev Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak


khadith, sharh, fikh, sahih, isnad, raui, hafiz, fakih.


The article tells about the life and work of Badruddin al-Aini and Hafiz ibn Hajar al-Askalani. In particular, the life of Badruddin al-Aini, the path of science, teachers and students, and his works are described. The life, career, teachers and students and works of Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Askalani are also mentioned. In addition, the religious, political and social situation in the country where Badruddin al-Aini and Hafiz ibn Hajar al-Askalani lived. Because Badruddin al-Aini and Hafiz ibn Hajar also lived in the same era, in the same country and under the same king. Therefore, the religious and political situation plays an important role in its time. In addition, the main part of the article is devoted to a comparative analysis between the book of Badruddin al-Aini “Umdat al-Qari” and the book of Hafiz ibn Hajar “Fathul-Bari”. These works of two scholars, in turn, were written as a commentary on the collection “Sahih al-Bukhari”. In particular, the study of the book of Badruddin al-Aini “Umdat al-Qari” and the book of Hafiz ibn Hajar “Fathul-Bari” are studied in terms of volume, structure and methodology. This study highlights the features and differences between the two books.


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