The Possibilities of Improving School Textbooks “Music”

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music, textbook, program, content of knowledge, instrument, games.


Music as a subject was introduced in the early 60s. For the first time, the presented article raises the urgent problems of teaching music in secondary schools of our republic. Searches in this direction begin with determining the time of music training in secondary schools and the first authors of textbooks. Further, a scientific excursion into the field of content and methodological problems covered in the textbooks on music by B. Gizatov, P. Momynov and O. Baydildaev takes place. A significant place is paid to the analysis and comparative study of these textbooks with samples of a later generation. In the field of view of the authors were textbooks on music for grades 1-4 of a comprehensive school, which were created at the dawn of independence. Various topics on music have been subjected to analytical study, games and their cognitive capabilities. At the same time, the methodological principles reflected in alternative programs "Yelіm" and "Mұrager" were considered.

Textbooks of a new model intended for grades 1 and 2 of secondary schools of our republic did not remain out of attention. The positive aspects of textbooks are noted, which differ noticeably from previous publications in an abundance of interesting cognitive materials. All this shows that the time has come to revise the educational and educational content of music lessons in a comprehensive school.


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