Evaluation of Written Expression Skills of Students from Turkish World through Error Analysis

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Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language, language training, written expression skill, error analysis.


The aim of the research is to evaluate the written expression skills of the students from the Turkish world and communities that are studying at Hoca Ahmet Yesevi International Turkish-Kazakh University by using the error analysis method and to develop a solution proposal for the wrong sources revealed. For this purpose, the composition was printed to evaluate the written expression skills of the students, and negotiations were held so that the wrong sources could be revealed. The results of the research showed that the mistakes most frequently made by Turkish students in written expression studies are spelling and punctuation mistakes and misuse of words. The main causes of these mistakes were determined to be excessive generalizations, not knowing the rule constraints and the main negative transfers.

Another category created from student spelling mistakes is mistakes made in word selection. The situation repeated by almost all students in this category is the negative transmission caused by the mother tongue and the incorrect use of words caused by not knowing the rule restrictions. After that, the most repeated mistakes and their causes, respectively, are the unnecessary use of words in sentences due to developing incorrect concepts, excessive generalization and word omissions due to ignorance of rule restrictions, word errors brought from the mother tongue due to negative transmission from the mother tongue, and errors in the use of words that have passed from foreign languages to Turkish.


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