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pedagogical referendariat, post-bac programs, professional adaptation, teacher collaborations, INTERN platform.


The article describes the creation of an interactive INTERN platform, which is considered as a communicative and intellectual resource integrating various components, as an opportunity for inter-partner interaction, including the involvement of interested bodies and business structures, and will be aimed at building effective communication and exchange of experience, cooperation and partnership, which, in turn, will contribute to the formation of a transparent scientific and educational environment for the exchange of knowledge, competencies, the expansion of professional and interuniversity ties with existing partners and collaboration of teachers. The article presents the schematic structure of the INTERN innovation platform, which includes various mechanisms that allow implementing the communicative resistance of the program.

The purpose of the Program is to develop and implement a new format for training young teachers through a pedagogical scholarship, which will allow us to reach a new advanced quality of this training; increase the number of stakeholders involved in the process, i.e. make it transparent and redistribute resources to strengthen the practical orientation of training; create a new vector of interaction ‘school – university’; attract future applicants to the university's educational programs for teachers, which, ultimately, will contribute to increasing the competitiveness and demand for the teaching profession. The target audience of our program are teachers with experience of pedagogical activity from 0 to 3 years.


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