Kazakh Traditional Speech Culture (Based on the Film «Kyz Zhibek»

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speech culture, linguistic culture, national character, linguistic norms, ethical norms, the Kazakh cinematography, film language, art of speech.


The Kazakh language has undergone changes under the influence of various internal and external factors and has lost its traditional norm. Therefore, it is important to study what is the traditional norm and culture of speech in the Kazakh language. In this article, the author defines the characteristic features of speech for the Kazakhs through the diction of the characters in the film «Kyz Zhibek». 

The aim of the article is to find answers to the questions of what was the traditional culture of speech of the Kazakhs, what is the expression of national identity in the language and how it affects the traditional speech culture. The main direction of the article is the problems of language culture in the system of linguistics. The main idea of the scientific work is to determine what was the culture of speech in the traditional Kazakh society, to prove by examples that through the speech the character of the nation can change. 

The scientific significance of the article lies in the fact that, the impact on raising the level of word formation in the Kazakh language, the development of language culture, stylistics, the practical significance is to show the differentiation of the traditional culture of speech of the Kazakhs, the subordination of the traditional language laws and the definition of the preconditions for proper speech. 

When writing the article, the methods of scientific analysis, linguostylistic analysis, generalization, comparison and reasoning were used. The material for the study was the film «Kyz Zhibek» filmed by S. Kozhikov in 1972 based on the script by G. Musrepov. 

The author notes that the main results and the analysis of the article changes everything that is said in the modern Kazakh language: the structure of speech, the way words are pronounced and the sounding, in a society which understands that it is only a question of observing grammatical norms of speech, the risk of losing the specificity of the national language arises. Determines that in the conclusion there is an opportunity to influence the character, the cognition of the person through the speech, the intonation of the speech characteristic of our nation. If language loses its nature, he concludes that language will lead to the change of the nation, the destruction of the national character and finally the destruction of the nation.

The value of the article lies in defining the traditional grammatical, ethical and communicative norms of the Kazakh language. 


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