The Problems of Lexicography of Arabic, Persian Words with New Meanings

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dictionary, registry, dictionary article, Arabic words, Persian words, meaning.


It is known that semantic changes occur in the lexical layer of any language over time. Some lexical units become obsolete and fall out of common use, while some lexical units acquire a new meaning and enrich the vocabulary. In connection with the transition to the new Latin alphabet, changes and additions are being made to the base of the Kazakh literary language, including the borrowed Arabic and Persian words due to the expansion and narrowing of its semantic field. Because nowadays, due to the development of various branches of science (economy, Information System, culture and art, religion, pedagogy and psychology, natural science, law, radio communication, chemistry, biology, etc.), some Arabic and Persian words have undergone semantic changes and are being revived. In these areas, they have acquired a new terminological meaning. It is easy to see that such words are used by native speakers in the mass media and social networks in a new meaning. In this regard, the mentioned article deals with the issue of lexicography of Arabic and Persian words, which have acquired a new meaning. The composition of Arabic and Persian words included in the vocabulary of the dictionary is analyzed (Arabic, Persian words of national, regional use; old book words; religious words), the problem of inclusion in the dictionary entry, the problem of narrowing, expanding the semantic field, lexical units created by affixation are discussed. At the same time, the experience of the Turkic peoples, who moved to the Latin alphabet earlier than us, is taken into account. When analyzing the meaning of a word, the semantic field of a word, we are guided by comparative, cumulative methods. The lexicographical criteria for inclusion of input Arabic and Persian words in the dictionary are proposed.


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