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onomastics, Kazakh language, teaching onomastics, teaching methodology, language skills.


Kazakh onomastics is a big sphereof linguistic science, which includes numerous lexical units and onyms, such as: anthroponyms, toponyms, hydronyms, and etc. The main principles of teaching onomastics include not only the lexical and structural features of the language, but also the importance of teaching the language history and culture through onomastic vocabulary.

Today, the consideration of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of Kazakh language onomastics teaching depends on the theoretical, developmental and educational values of names in teaching the Kazakh language. The creation and formation of the names of onomastic objects in our country is one of the most important issues not only in learning thei names, but also in the language vocabulary development. In this direction, the main purpose of the article is to determine the ways of developing the students’ language skills using effective linguistic methods of teaching the Kazakh language onomastics.

The process of teaching Kazakh onomastics in higher education was chosen as an object of the study. The goal of teaching the Kazakh language onomastics as a separate subject in higher education arose from the need to create new directions in the educational system. The article proves the effectiveness of using complex methods in teaching the Kazakh language onomastics as a special subject. The experiment was carried out in accordance with the educational program for students of philology speciality on the elective subject “Onomastics and country studies”. The results of experimental work on the development of students’ language skills on using new approaches in teaching Kazakh language onomastics were presented.

The results of the research can be used in the process of training future teachers in the field of onomastics at universities.


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