The Role of Abu Hanifa in the Formation of the Traditional Religion and Religious Worldview of the Kazakh People

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Soul, flesh, consciousness, tradition, value, faith, sharia.


This article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the role of Abu Hanifa in the formation of traditional religion and religious knowledge of the Kazakh people. The article is based on the analysis of Abu Hanifa's works “Fihq Al-Akbar” and “Al-‘alim wa-l Muta‘lim” and contains excerpts from the works of Kazakh thinkers reflecting the continuity between Abu Hanifa's thoughts and the religious knowledge of the Kazakh people. The period of Abu Hanifa's entry into the historical arena was a period of serious disagreements between various religious trends of the Islamic world. Abu Hanifa was a member of one of the famous Murji movements. For a deeper explanation of the religious foundations and Sharia views of Abu Hanifa, such concepts as: flesh, soul and consciousness were studied and analyzed. In this regard, the reasons why Abu Hanifa's concepts of faith and Islam differed from those of Islamic scholars of that period were identified, and the continuity of Abu Hanifa's teachings with the traditional religion and religious worldview of the Kazakh people was also shown.


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