The Concept of Generation and Time in the History of Antic Philosophy

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  • T. Tumashbay L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • R. Kemerbay L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


Platon's philosophical thoughts on the education of the human genus, Aristotle on the human genus, the categories of continuity, movement, continuity and time of generations, education as a means.


This article to consider formation issues generation in the history of antic philosophy. In general, in any society, the concept of generation passes through two stages in its development and becomes a type of social organism. This is determined by the fact that a person performs the function of a simple subject that continues its genus. From different perspective a human is considered as an object and subject of a certain national existence, and a logical struggle in the form of religious and state relations. This basis was defined by L. Morgan in such forms as «societas» and «civitas». In the article we tried to study the expression of the concept of generation in the form of «civitas» we were looking for a methodology article topics in the ethical reasoning of Plato, such as Aristotle's ideal state, goodness society, commitment in man. The relevance of the philosophical views of Plato and Aristotle was supplemented by the ideas of A. Schopenhauer and K. Jaspers.
This art considered the ideas of Platon and Aristotle related to the generation and formation of the human genus as a subject of social relations. Aristotle's characteristics are given, such as time, non-continuity, movement, possibility, and entelechy of existence. The concept of man-generation is used as a measurement of the main properties of time. Platon considers man as an instrument of state power, which is a cohesive unity of impersonal beings who perform their social functions regardless of their personal interests. Aristotle: time is not movement, but it does not exist without movement, and without the psyche. The time substart is movement.


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