Poetics of Lyrical Prose: Genre and Style Issues

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  • О.F. Atesh Kastamonu University
  • Zh. Zh. Zharylgapov E.A. Buketov Karaganda University
  • M.S. Amangeldina E.A. Buketov Karaganda University


prose, genre, direction, personality, style, lyricism, psychology.


The article analyzes the correlation of the concepts of «lyric prose» and «lyricism in
prose», analyzer the writer`s lyric prose, principles and methods of its creation and this theoretical
approach correlates with Kazakh literature. Literary and the oretical opinions of domestic and
foreign scholars on this issue are systematized, conclusions are drawn about the aesthetic role of
lyricism in prose. The problems in the definition of lyrical prose and the reasons why the
boundaries of the genre cannot be clearly drawn have been focused on. In addition, information was given about lyrical prose research in Kazakh literature, the birth and development of the lyricism trend in Kazakh prose were discussed, and works that outweigh the lyrical aspect were mentioned. Information was given about the reflection of lyricism in the works of prominent personalities. Based on the critics' reasoning, a general definition of the concept of “lyrical character” is given. The evaluations made by the researchers have been analyzed extensively. The analysis of successful works in the lyrical aspect is carried out, the features of lyrical prose and its place in other traditional genres have been studied. The formation and development of lyrical prose in Kazakh literature, its genre and stylistic features are comprehensively considered. All the elements that make up the structure and content of lyrical prose, the ways of creating and arranging them, the effect of artist subjectivity on the creation process and narrative forms were examined.


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