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  • Ye. ARGYNBAYEV Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University


Kazakh legends, shape-shifting, petrification, toponomic legends, motif.


Kazakh culture has a rich mythological heritage, and Kazakh legends are an important source for reflecting on the history, beliefs, and values of the Kazakh people. This article focuses on the motif of petrification, which is frequently seen in Kazakh legends. Petrification is the most common type of shape-shifting motif, where a superior power turns living or inanimate elements into stone to save them from disaster or to punish them. It features examples of people, animals, houses, and other things being petrified. This can happen when individuals beg god to get them out of difficult situations, punish enemies, or help them cope with deep sadness. Being petrified is a punishment for the bad and a salvation for the good. This study examined 15 Kazakh legends and classified the motif of petrification under six types: 1) petrification due to the wrath of God; 2) petrification due to one’s wish or someone else’s prayer; 3) petrification due to a curse; 4) petrification due to Exhaustion and inability to fight; 5) petrification due to sadness; and 6) petrification of a dead animal. Furthermore, based on the motif of petrification, the legends’ underlying meaning and educational value were defined and their significance was unfolded.



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