Pragmalinguistic Aspect of the Concepts “oath”, “swear”, “promise” in the Kazakh Folk Tales

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  • K.Sh. Balabekova Abay Kazak National Pedagogocal University
  • A.A. Kurmanali Al-Farabi Kazak National University
  • Zh.K. Otarbekova Kazak National Women’s Training University


oath, concept, Kazakh tales, spiritual value, speech acts, pragmatic meaning, pragmalinguistic aspect.


The concepts such as “to be a man of one's word”, “to keep one's word”, “fulfill one's promise” are prevalent in Kazakh folk tales in the mentality of the Kazakh people are widely used in Kazakh folk tales, and they appear as an important language unit used in the regulation of human relations in the Kazakh society. Because the spiritual concepts “oath”, “swear” and “promise”, considered as “a universal event” are concepts used by societies to create feelings of trust and persuasion among individuals. The paper deals with the spiritual concepts of “oath”, “swear” and “promise” in tales from the view of a pragmatic perspective. The authors also describe the traditions and ceremonies related to “oath” in nomadic Turkish culture and analyze spiritual concepts of “oath”, and “swear”, “promise”, which have a sacred value for Turkish society. As a result of the study, the findings regarding the concepts of “oath”, “swear” and “promise” in Kazakh folk tales, which play an important role in transferring the traditions and customs and cultural heritage of our people from generation to generation, as well as the legal, magical, religious, "pure" ethical rituals used commonly in the nomadic lifestyle were presented.
In the paper it is stated that the speech acts in the analysed tales have a special place in terms of pragmatic meaning and it is revealed that the role of the concepts of “oath”, “swear” and “promise” in regulating the relationships between people and society has changed over time, their the sсope of use and stylistic color have changed, and they have acquired different semantic dimensions. Furthermore, it is concluded that the semantic development of the word can reflect the development of human cognition.



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