Social and Social Character of Satire and Humor in Modern Aitys

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  • G.T. Tleuberdina Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov
  • G.S. Boken Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov


Aitys, satire, humor, society, poet, sarcasm.


This article gives an overview of research works that analyze the history, ways of formation, specific features of the genre of satire and humor, which have common features consonant with the traditions of world literature. The role and problems of satire and humor in the modern art of aitys, development trends, scientific-theoretical opinions and conclusions of research scientists are comprehensively differentiated. These conclusions and opinions will be studied on the basis of the word junction of modern aitys poets. In particular, the aytys of Mukhamedjan Tazabekov and Aitmukhambet Isakov, Mukhamedjan Tazabekov and Shynarbek Kabiev, Mels Kosimbayev and Mukhamedjan Tazabekov, Esenkul Zhakupbekov and Aselkhan Kalybekov, Mukhtar Niyazov and Bekarys Shoibekov, Bekarys Shoibekov and Zhansai Musin will be analyzed. The article also reveals thematic and ideological features of statements, artistic features of akyns. It is proved that the rational use by paired disputants of humor and satire, corresponding to the theme, is revealed in the course of their specific meetings. In addition, the speech responses of akyns of interest to the general public are analyzed, easily conveying historical, political, social, human, global problems, which once had bitter mercurial satire and now have parable humor. The course of the aitys was analyzed, the adherence of each akyn to stage culture and rules, communication with respect for the audience and the paired poet, consistency of thought and purity of words in conveying the theme of the aitys.



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