«Diwani Hikmet» Collection Versions and Their Textology

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  • Zh.A. Suleimenova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • B.S. Korganbekov L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • P.Z. Balkhimbekova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


Diwani Hikmet, Sufism, textology, collection of poems, Kazakh poetry, copies and revisions, variation.


The scientific article “Versions of the collection “Diwani hikmet” and their textology” is devoted to the analysis of different collection versions Hoja Ahmed Yasawi hikmets, known as “Diwan Hikmet”. The article covers the issues of textology, variant text and its evolution over time. The study begins with a historical overview of the collection, emphasizing its importance in the cultural and literary heritage. The authors examine various versions of “Diwani Hikmet” and offer a detailed textual analysis, identifying differences and similarities between them.
The main emphasis is on identifying variants of the text introduced by different copyists and editors over time. The authors consider the influence of cultural and historical contexts in shaping these versions, and highlight key points that determine textual diversity. The article also emphasizes the importance of this study for a better understanding of the Sufi poetry and philosophy of Hoja Ahmed Yasawi. The authors argue that analyzing the textuality of Diwani hikmet not only reveals its evolution, but also helps shed light on the historical and cultural aspects of Sufism in Kazakhstan.
Thus, the article provides a valuable perspective on the «Diwani Hikmet» collection versions, its textology and its significance for understanding the spiritual heritage of Hoja Ahmed Yasawi in the modern research context.



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