Mythonymic and Folklore Image of Speleonyms in the A. Seidimbek’s Works

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  • B.M. Bazarbekov M. Auezov Soutth Kazakhstan University
  • B.M. Tleuberdiev M. Auezov Soutth Kazakhstan University


mythical image, speleonyms, oronyms, cognition, mental image, empirical evidence, cognitive linguistics, concept.


Speleonyms have a special place among opinions about the development and evolution of modern life. At the same time, their semiotic property is very strong, because a large amount of extralinguistic information is stored and accumulated in the form of codification in general onyms. The research aims to reveal the mythonymic and folklore image of spelenonyms in the works of A. Seydimbek. Taking into account speleonymic materials in the works of ethnographer-scientist, the semiotic aspects of speleonyms in toponymic space, the connection of legend and truth in toponyms with folk etymology, how the concept of space is established in the linguistic consciousness and linguistic image of Kazakhs is determined. An attempt is made to show the mythical image of the universe at the level of speleonyms (myphonims). Taking into account the fact that there are different scientific views on the concept of mythology in modern science, it is possible to reveal the mythonymic and folklore image of speleonyms. It was considered that speleonymic concepts form multi-layered diachronic and chronological levels. By uncovering, analyzing and describing those layers and levels, the importance of describing the mythonymic and folklore image of speleonyms was determined. Evidence was given that the acceptance of speleonyms in national knowledge is always carried out in the system of worldview associations characteristic of the historical and cultural community. In addition, it is reported that speleonyms (caves) in the Kazakh steppe need to be studied and widely studied in the future, as part of the knowledge of nature, preservation of the ancient names of this natural environment is included.



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