The Cognitive Nature of Linguistic and Cultural Units on the Beliefs of the Medieval Monument “Codekus Cumanicus”

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  • G.I. Serkebayeva M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • S.R. Boranbayev M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • G. Beskempirova M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University


linguistics, linguoculture, linguocognitive, mysticism, beliefs, ethnoculture, linguistic unity.


The article deals with the cognitive character of linguocultural units relating to the beliefs found in the medieval monument of Kypchak writing “Kodekus Kumanikus”. Beliefs are spiritual concepts that are formed in close connection with the life, culture, customs, views on the world of a certain people. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the linguocultural character of linguistic units and their general continuity inherent in Turkic peoples in relation to the beliefs reflected in the language of this monument.
The linguistic units relating to the beliefs which found in the written monument “Kodekus Kumanikus” have been preserved for centuries in people's cognition as a spiritual and cultural phenomenon. The article defines the reflection of linguocultural units, formed in the steppe civilization to date, on specific examples defined their ethno-cultural, linguocognitive characteristics. With time, human cognition becomes more perfect, increases the need to accumulate and study the heritage that preceded. The great important is a study of written monumental language from the point of view of anthropogenic paradigm, linguistic analysis of the text of the monument.
In the article we considered language units expressing ancient folk beliefs: Teŋir (god), kök (sky), bügü (shrine), mystical lexemes: baqčï (shaman), qam(sorcerer), qam qatïn (sorceress), rämillik (divination), kešenä (mausoleum), qurɤan (burial mound), sïn (tombstone) cosonyms: yulduzčï (astrologer), ay (moon), kun (sun) yulduz (star), uau (lightning), yayšï (meteorologist), sazaɤan (lightning dragon).



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