Relevance and Scope of Application of the Concept «Spirit» in the Field of Linguistic Personality (based on the work of Sh. Murtaza)

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  • A.T. Kembayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • O.S. Zhubai Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Spirit, character, linguistics, linguoculturology, conceptology, literature, art, culture, history, nation, character, philosophy.


Currently, the scientific direction of conceptuology is one of the most studied topics in Kazakh linguistics, like linguoculturology, anthropocentric linguistics. The main research goals of these three areas are very similar because in all these moments language is closely connected with the human factor.
This article examines the concept of «Spirit» in the works of the outstanding Kazakh writer and public figure Sherkhan Murtaza. The author demonstrates the versatility of this concept and its significance in his work.
The aim of the article is to analyse how the concept of «Spirit» takes on different semantic shades and subtexts in the literary works of a linguistic personality and to what extent and how it influences the development of the plot and the features of the characters.
In Kazakh linguistics, reality is a linguistic image of the universe that represents a body of knowledge about the existence. In this context, it is known that each language has concepts that reflect its unique features. The main objective of the article is to determine what informative and cultural shades the concept of «Spirit» takes on in the works of the linguistic personality that becomes the subject of research. More precisely, in this present article we have analysed the scope of application of the concept «Spirit» in the author’s country-specific worldview.
The research article raises the question of the connection of the concept «Spirit» with human national identity, art, language, nature and spirituality and focuses on how Sherkhan Murtaza uses this term to express the history and culture of Kazakhstan.
The scientific and practical significance of the article lies in analysing the inner world of the heroes and defining the concept of «Spirit» in their spiritual quest. In the world of science, the term «concept» is one of the most important terms not only in linguistics, but also in such branches of fundamental science as philosophy and psychology. In this regard, the study of the concept of «Spirit» in the work of Sherkhan Murtaza should reveal its figurative side in the creation of the human soul and his own skill as a philosopher, as well as the importance of this subject within the framework of linguistic, literary and cultural discussions.
The artistic works of Sh. Murtaza were used as research material.
The article can be used as a supplement for literary scholars and linguists.



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