Transdisciplinary Approach as a Didactic Resource for Developing Professional Competencies

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  • А.B. Iskakova Toraighyrov University
  • K.А. Nurumzhanova Toraighyrov University


transdisciplinary approach, qualimetric method, transdisciplinary professionally oriented task, professional thinking, diagnostics of professional competencies, didactic resource, professional competence.


Methodological basis of the research is interdisciplinary, activity and resource-based approaches, where preparation of BSc within 6B05301 – “Physics” program is considered as a resource to develop professional competencies. Transdisciplinary approach application in the study of basic and specialized disciplines involves the formation of professional competencies required in students’ future professional activities. The increased intensity of knowledge and technology requires building new systemic quality of knowledge and technology, where a transdisciplinary approach becomes a system-forming factor. The research purpose is to develop and test transdisciplinary professionally oriented tasks in the educational process (TPOT), ensuring the formation of specialized, basic and universal competencies applying the qualimetric method. Based on research objectives: 1) assessment of the content, structure, learning outcomes, and courses was carried out based on professional competencies’ scale; 2) TPOT system was developed that enhances students’ professional thinking as a leading characteristic of activity quality; 3) technology for implementing student learning based on TPOT was developed; 4) evaluation of the results of experimental approbation was carried out based on expert assessment of specialists and evaluation of consumers (learning outcomes (LO) of students) applying the qualimetric method.



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