Formation of research activities of educators by studying the biological features of Tilia cordata in the Trukestan region

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  • N.N. Salybekova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University
  • B.Z. Umirov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University


biological knowledge, deductive method, research skills, project activities, learner.


The article analyzes the progress of the organization of research work on the use of research activities in order to introduce students of the natural sciences to science. The main purpose of the research work is the formation of research skills in biological education by identifying stress resistance, morpho-physiological, environmental features of linden trees in the Botanical Garden of the Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University. During the research work, theoretical and somewhat empirical methods were used: the “INSERT” method, the questionnaire method, the deductive method, the group method, the observation method, the technology of plant fertilization. During the lectures, the “INSERT” method was used, and the guided tours method was used to increase students' interest in practical work. In order to determine the size of morpho-physiological parameters of plants, methods of biometric measurements and phenophase periodic observations were used. In the botanical garden of our university, theoretical foundations for determining their viability and morphophysiological features were developed for 2nd-year biology students using the method of selecting linden varieties for practical classes in the Botany section. As a result of the conducted research, the optimal method of reproduction of linden species was recognized. Students selected for research in this field were offered theoretical knowledge, and then a questionnaire was taken for further study. Knowledge acquisition initially amounted to 32% and 28% in both groups, in a repeated survey at the end of the work, this indicator increased in one of the two groups participating in the research work, and in the next group showed unchanged results. The 1st group (experimental group) increased their knowledge from 32% to 88% by fertilizing their chosen variety. And the result of the 2nd group, educated only on a theoretical basis, was 25% lower than in the 1st group. The 1-st group, which participated in research work, enriched the selected linden variety with fertilizers, monitored heir endurance and viability. The course of research work and the stages of organizing research work when using research activities are shown. When carrying out research work, the criteria for analyzing the results of the study, summarizing the results, and evaluating the predicted result were improved.



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