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  • M. AKESHOVA International University of Tourism and Hospitality
  • G. RIZAKHOJAYEVA Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University
  • E.M. TORBIK Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (


Social media, learning through gadgets, using Instagram, students’ attitudes, learning foreign language.


In the previous ten years, social media has grown rapidly and has become increasingly important in human life. Among, the well-known social sites, Instagram takes a special place, especially by young people. Today, social media is part of the process of human development in life, which is why many students, more than reading books, advocate learning through gadgets. Using Instagram for students would be amusing way to learn foreign language. Purpose of this research was to investigate the students’ attitudes towards the use of Instagram as the source for improving the language skills and to learn more about how students used the tool to increase their motivation to join and engage with their peers. It looked into how often students participated in online forums and what they thought about using Instagram as a platform for language learning exercises. The research was used quantitative research design. Instagram as an Educational Platform developed by Ali Erarslan (2019) was used in the study. 77 students attended this survey in the Foreign Language Teaching Department of Khoja Akhmet Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University. The data obtained from questionnaire were analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 23.0). Descriptive statistics were used analyzing the data. Results were shown positive attitudes of students regarding Instagram.



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