Gamification in English Lessons at Primary School: Effectiveness and Application Possibilities

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  • М.М. Duisenova South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after U. Zhanibekov
  • A.N. Zhorabekova M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • G.I. Abramova South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University named after U. Zhanibekov


gamification, English language lesson, primary school, efficiency, possibilities, students' satisfaction, motivation.


Gamification today is one of the most important modern trends in educational technologies. The study examined the effectiveness of using gamification in primary English lessons in high school and the possibilities of using digital platforms based on gamification to increase students' motivation and interest in learning a foreign language. The results of a gamification-based lesson on the digital platforms Kahoot+ premium and Quizizz are compared, and the effects of previous studies are compared.
The experimental part of our research work was carried out with the participation of primary school teachers and primary school students in the city of Shymkent and the Turkestan region. The sample of this study, which was conducted in experimental and control groups, included 30 primary school students. And its positive results are shown in tables and pictures.
The main purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that adding gamification elements to English language lessons can improve student engagement, motivation and overall learning outcomes. The research methods used in this study include a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches that involve data collection through surveys, observations and evaluations. Based on the data obtained in the “Analysis and Results” section, theoretical analyzes were performed, supplemented by tables, diagrams and statistical indicators. The final section presents a conclusion based on the research findings, highlighting the potential benefits of introducing gamification into English language teaching in primary schools. The article concludes with a discussion of the research findings and suggestions for future research directions.



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