Opportunities and Prospects for the Use of Mobile Technologies in Improving the Professional Competence of Future Ecologists

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  • D.K. Sunakbaeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University
  • D.Kh. Yuldashbek Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University


mobile-learning, professional competence, education system, mobile technology, future ecologists, teaching English.


The main goal of Kazakhstan in higher education is to train professional specialists with professionalism, communication skills and foreign language competence, critical thinking style and creative potential. Currently, higher education should be continuous, comprehensively developed, of high quality, with the use of mobile technologies, with an emphasis on the activity of students, their independence, and the ability to quickly adapt to the changing moments of modern society. The search for optimal reserves for improving the professional training of future high-quality and qualified ecologists is moving into a flat system of formation and development of their professional competencies. The most important factor in the successful professional implementation of the education system in Higher education is the problem of creating an educational space that increases unique creative abilities in the development of communicative competence. In connection with the process of modernization and informatization of education at Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, in order to develop international-level specialists and improve the quality of knowledge provided to them, a course has been formed dedicated to the development of new pedagogical foundations for the formation of a future specialist as a professional and creative personality with high professional competencies. When improving the quality of professional competence of future ecologists, new technologies and advanced teaching methods in the education system should be used to the maximum. In this research paper, ways to improve the quality of training and professional competencies of future ecologists using mobile learning technologies were considered.



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