The Problem of Bullying at School and Foreign Experiences in Solving it

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  • Т.К. Mustapaeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International University
  • G.U. Eleusinova Eleusinova K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University
  • B.Sh. Ibatulin S. Nurmagambetov The Military Institute of the Ground Forces


bullying, bullying at school, bullying prevention, physical violence, psychological violence.


The article explains the concept of bullying, shows a number of types of bullying and provides brief information on the causes of bullying. The relevance of the research of the article is that bullying activities at school have a negative impact on students' emotional and personal qualities, as well as on their attitude to learning, the deterioration of their subjective well-being, and the importance of its prevention. Systematization, generalization, methods of analysis of pedagogical products and methods of statistical processing of experimental data during the theoretical analysis of several foreign studies related to the prevention of school bullying are used. Based on foreign studies, different mechanisms and scientific findings of bullying prevention are presented. Bullying prevention practices in Korea, Mexico, USA, Finland, and Nigeria are analyzed. According to foreign experiences, the importance of special activities related to improvement of empathic ability of students, increase of self-efficacy, improvement of interaction related to restoration of relations of conflict participants, adherence to positivity, improvement of empathy of observers in bullying situations, mastering of self-defense actions is determined. The article provides statistical data on the types and frequency of physical and psychological violence among schoolchildren in the cities of Almaty and Turkestan.



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