The Need to Train a Future Physics Teacher in the Field of Tribology in the Professional Cycle of Disciplines

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  • М. Skakov Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
  • М. Nurizinova Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University


physical fundamentals of tribology, future physics teacher, professional cycle, working curriculum, special course, professional training, modernization of the education system, research center.


The article discusses the feasibility of training future physics teachers in the field of tribology in the professional cycle of disciplines. For students of educational programs of physics of higher educational institutions to solve specific problems of theoretical and experimental research, it is proposed to develop tools for visualization and modeling of physical processes of tribology. It is also proposed to develop a special course on the physical foundations of tribology and introduce it into the educational process when studying the relevant sections of the General physics course.
As an example, thermodynamic bases of interaction of elements of tribosystems are given in this paper. Given that changes in the thermodynamic and functional characteristics of tribosystems and coatings of materials under the influence of external influences are the subject of research of the scientific center "Engineering of surface and tribology", established at the East Kazakhstan University, the authors consider it appropriate to study the physical foundations of tribology by students of educational programs of physics. It is shown that the center has a research and experimental base corresponding to international standards and highly qualified staffs with academic degrees and titles, specialists in the field of tribology. To achieve this goal, it is very important to have a scientific experimental base and appropriate human resources at the University.


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