Evaluatıon of PISA Exam Results by Varıous Countrıes Accordıng to Organızatıon for Economıc Cooperatıon and Development (OECD) Data

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  • G. Debesh Karpas Mediterranean Univesity


PISA, reading skills, math literacy, science literacy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Mexico, Brazil.


The aim of this study is to examine the reading skills, math literacy and science literacy data of four different countries (Brazil, Bulgaria, Mexico and Turkey) determined within the scope of the research using the 2018 data of students in the International Student Evaluation Program (PISA). In addition, the average reading skills of Turkey (PISA) between 2012, 2015 and 2018 differ by year; Turkey (PISA) 2018 reading skills average is intended to examine the differences in the number of books found in students’ homes and their reading preferences. The difference in the 2018 PISA program reading skills, math literacy and science literacy score averages of the countries determined within the scope of the research from the average of the participating countries was examined by T Test. Then the 2018 PISA program of 4 different countries tested their reading skills, math literacy and science literacy averages with a one-way ANOVA. Then, a one-way ANOVA was made to determine whether there was a significant difference between Turkey's reading skills score averages in 2012, 2015 and 2018. After these procedures, in the last part of the study, a one-way ANOVA analysis was conducted to determine whether the average reading skills score in Turkey in the 2018 PISA program significantly differed according to the number of books in the students’ homes and their reading preferences. According to the results of the study, Brazil, Bulgaria, Mexico and Turkey have a score below the PISA average in reading skills, math literacy and science literacy when the PISA averages are examined in 2018. According to the results of the analysis, there was a significant increase and improvement in the average PISA reading skills scores in Turkey compared to 2012, 2015, 2018. In addition, it was observed that the difference between the average PISA reading skills in Turkey 2018 differed according to the number of books found in students’ homes and the preferences of students for reading books.


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