Strategy for Resolving Conflict Situations in the Student Environment

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  • S. Kalkabayeva M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
  • Z. Talhanbayeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • А. Kalkabayev University Мiras


emotion, destabilization, conflict, strategy, method, conflict situation, Tomas’s test, environment.


In the article emphasizes the importance of resolving controversial issues that students and individuals persons, as a result of research it is proved that the timely resolution of these problems is a key condition for creating a normal psychological environment in the team. After conflict situations in the student environment, a negative emotional background develops in the team, destabilization of the person’s emotional mood. The student stay in depression, becomes blocked, does not want to talk to anyone. The most dangerous thing is revealed, that is such an emotional mood can eliminate the interest in learning. The article evaluates the ability of students to communicate harmoniously and prevent conflicts in their environment, on the basis of which a strategy of students’ actions to resolve them is developed. The results of a comparative analysis of the primary actions of students in conflict situations are presented. The study found that most relative groups use negotiations and partnerships as the most effective methods to resolve conflict situations.


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