The Role of a Part of Speech in the System of Toponym Formation

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  • Zh. Bugibayeva Kazakh University of Technology and Business


toponyms, word formation, suffixes, nouns, adjectives, toponymic structure.


Each place name has its own history. The name of a mountain or any other object of the environment, whether it is a small spring, a piece of land, a water area or even a desert, is of great importance and contains an unsolved mystery.
The article is devoted to the issue of the formation of toponyms as a valuable cultural heritage, which, being a kind of" language of the earth", often provide more for solving the problems of historical phenomena than the monuments of material culture, the evidence of ancient and medieval authors. The study of the historical, geographical and linguistic meaning of a place name allows you to get acquainted with the life of the people living in this area.
Each geographical name is historical, and its meaning is extensive. They deal with different information depending on the phenomena and changes of time: different wars, folk customs, traditions, relations between peoples and a rich historical past. The appellatives that are part of toponyms determine the natural features of the object (terrain, plants, soil, etc.), and there are also names made up of ethnonyms and antrotoponyms. The names in this group fully convey the ethnogenesis of the region. Geo objects on earth are also named for their distinctive features, qualitative, and quantitative properties. What matters to us is what parts of speech are used when creating these names. The article discusses the most common toponyms, which are created using nouns, and also provides their structural models. Nouns and adjectives play a more active role in toponymy than other parts of speech.
Nouns actively participate in the formation of toponyms, forming new words. In this regard, the composition of toponyms is also diverse. Toponymic names contain word-forming suffixes, all types of words in various ways. Derived suffixes in the formation of toponymic names and their activity are also considered.


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