The Main Issues of the Formation of State Power in the Works of Al-Farabi

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  • G. Shadinova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • А. Kozhan Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Al-Farabi, politics, state, power, people, Kazakhstan, morality, religion.


This article examines the main issues of the formation of state power in the work of Al-Farabi. The study of the value content of the Turkish spiritual tradition continues in modern humanities. Its popularity is due to the fact that the heritage of the past is relevant for our contemporaries, and our present is closely connected with the culture of the past.
In his socio-political views, Al-Farabi played a key role in society, realizing the ideal of a perfect person who was the ruler of an intelligent state. The essence of Al-Farabi's teachings lies not only in the spiritual development of a person, but also in the improvement of legal and legislative norms in society. According to the Second Teacher, only an educated, moral person can bring spiritual benefit. Here the idea of the ruler, based on the works of Al-Farabi, fulfills a special mission. Determination of the place and role of the leader in the social process, the dialectics of objective and subjective factors in the history and dialectics of public life occurs after reading the research works of Al-Farabi.
Thus, Al-Farabi's idea of the state and its correct management, that the highest mission of the ruler is capable of embracing the principles of state structure that have developed in the real history of Kazakhstan, in the structure of the world, as the highest meanings and values of ontogeny that have human and social significance, are still relevant.


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