From the History of Religious Reforms in the Islamic World (late ХІХ–early ХХ Centuries)

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  • А. Farhadov National Museum of History of Azerbaijan


Islam, Azerbaijan, modernism, reformism, culture.


The article is devoted to the history of religious reforms in the Islamic world. The
goal of the reform of Islamic thinking is to return to the roots, the Koran, to cleanse the religion of
heresy, and later the incorrect elements introduced into it. Islamic laws and the way of life outside
of them should be open to the new, since the peculiarity of Islam is the newness of religion for
every time. According to the Muslim reformists, the renewal, first of all, must occur in Islamic
In Azerbaijan, the main representatives of religious reformism are the Baku theologian Al-
Bakuvi, A. Agaoglu and others.
Iranian theologian J. Afgani, mufti of Egypt M. Abduh, Indian-Pakistani poet Igbal and
Turkish poet M.A. Ersoy, Pakistani Islamic scholar F. Rahman, Iranian sociologist A. Shariati,
Turkish theologians S. Atesh, Y.N. Ozturk and others are the main representatives of the religious
reformism in the Islamic world.
These thinkers, criticizing pseudo-religious figures, pointed out that the true source of religion
is only the Koran and called on Muslims to study religion exclusively from it.


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