Folk Terminology of Mythologized Characters of the Group “Masters-professionals” in the Kipchak Languages of the Ural-Volga Region (based on the material of the Bashkir language)

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  • F. Hisamitdinova Order of the Badge of Honour Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ufa Federal Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • G. Zhylkybay Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Bashkir mythology, blacksmiths, artisans, mythological characters, terminology.


The article describes the terms of the mythologized characters of the group
“masters-professionals” in the Kipchak languages of the Ural-Volga region (based on the material
of the Bashkir language). Based on dictionaries, folklore and artistic works, the main, widespread
and local terms are established. In the folk culture of the Turkic peoples, a group of “knowledgeable
people” is recorded, which represents specialists in a certain field of knowledge. Such specialistscraftsmen
Bashkirs call “оҫта”, “оҫталар” – craftsman, craftsmen, masters’; “khonarse”,
“khonarselar”, “khonarman”, “khonarmendar” – ‘specialist, specialists, artisan, artisans, master, masters’; “kasepse”, “kasepselar” – ‘a person engaged in some kind of craft, business, people engaged in some kind of craft, craft’. Of the listed terms with a broader meaning that characterizes any master, specialist, is the word oтаta, which can be used not only as a term, but also as a definition of other names. Cf.: “oтаta” – ‘master, craftsman’, “oтаta honarse” – ‘master craftsman’, “oтаta kasepse” – ‘skilled craftsman, craftsman, specialist engaged in some kind of craft’. The article deals with the folk terminology of the mythological characters of the group “masters-professionals” in the Ural-Volga Kipchak language based on the material of the Bashkir language. In the process of considering the terminology associated with mythological characters, a conclusion is made. It is concluded that these words and their origin are registered in most modern Turkic languages, and that this term is valid in Turkic, including Bashkir.


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