Сolor Names Created from Minerals and Precious Stones through Concrete in Russian

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  • Е. Mulkıbayeva Ordu University
  • L. Aliyeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • F. Tulendiyeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Semantics, сolor nomenclature in Russian, concretization, conceptualization, primary color name, intermediate color tone, classification of colors.


Naming created by combining the main and intermediate color names, while introducing the
specific features of each language, it also shows the productivity of that language and its influence
from other languages. It is seen that such denominations produced in the source language are also
found in other languages. This work, Color names in V.K. Harchenko's Great Dictionary of Color
Names in Russian (Bolshoi Slovar Tsvetooboznaçeniy v Russkom Yazıke) published in 2014 were
scanned and prepared. It has been determined that there are 6000 color names in the dictionary. In
the study, the color names formed by the concretization of the elements included in the basic
vocabulary such as various chemicals, metals and precious stones were compiled and their Turkish
equivalents were given. In accordance with the grammar of Russian, new colors were obtained by
means of prefixes and some other construction suffixes based on these color names. In addition, the
main color tone can be formed from a single word or by combining two or three phrases. In this
way, the new color names that emerged with the help of the degree of colors are given in
alphabetical order. It has been observed that simile and inspiration play a role in naming colors
based on concretization.


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