Variation of Some Words in the Turkic Languages

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  • B. Sagyndykuly Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • B. Kulzhanova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. Zhuzbayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Turkic languages, laws, variation, phonetic variants, related languages, allophone, audio interchange, conformity, affix, metaphor, metonymy, elision, reduction.


Language is a dynamic phenomenon. In the process of development, words are
semantically interconnected, although they undergo some changes. Only the outward form of words
tends to change. It is the duty of the philologist to identify these changes. The laws of economy of
linguistic means that were discovered in recent years, the fusion phenomena, and the discovery of
the sound of voices and loud voices helped to determine the cause of change in ancient words. As a
result of the discoveries, it was possible to analyze any ancient word in Turkic languages. In the
process of research exact examples have been taken from Kipchak group of Turkic languages i.e.
Kazakh and Karakalpak languages, from the Karluk group of Turkic languages Uzbek, Uighur as
well as Oguz group of Turkic languages i.e. Turkmen, Azerbaijan languages.
This scientific article analyzes the organs of the body that perform the respiratory function
and geographical and astronomical names. In particular, the throat, trachea, esophagus, moon, star,
swamp, Venus. In modern Turkic languages, it can be seen that these words not only sounded
differently or underwent phonetic changes, but also acquired a new meaning and formed terms from
these words.
The article gives a lot of information to young scientists who are studying language history. It
deals with the theoretical problems of comparative Turkology and the ways how to apply them in


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