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  • Zh.I. ISSAYEVA* Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Human-society-nature triad, picture of the paremiological world, paremiology, gender studies, gender linguistics, proverbs, sayings, frame, concept, conceptual system, microframe relation, literal and variable word meaning, etc.


In this article, the binary pair «Woman: Man», which constitutes the gender characteristic of the macro system «Man», an integral part of the triad «Man-Society-Nature», in the paremiological image of the world is divided into two separate, independent concepts – «Woman» and «Man».
In Kazakh paremiology linguistic characteristics of the concepts «woman» and «man» is provided by the integrity of multilevel micro-frame items of social, socio-ritual, socio-psychological content, reflecting the relationship of social status roles «boy – girl», «father» – «mother», «girl» – «guy», «bride» – «groom», «woman» – «man» and others.
As a result of inter-branch communication between the image of a man with «masculine traits» formed in ethnic consciousness and the image of a woman with «feminine traits» is the image of a «Man» in the language which has been passed through the «sieve» of national culture.
It is determined that gender is the result of a culture that reflects the idea of feminine tenderness and masculine courage, embedded in the traditions, customs, folklore and language of the people. It is assumed that in the collective consciousness of the ethnogenetic community there are gender stereotypes in any case, i.e. simplified or expanded concepts about the characteristics and peculiarities of women and men. Gender linguistics is a new scientific direction in linguistics, which arose in connection with the study of differences in the use of words by men and women in Kazakh linguistics. In the linguistic picture of the world, it is proved that the «female» and «male» signs of the binary pair «woman-man» are marked as a qualitative indicator of the conceptual apparatus of the «Man» macrosystem.


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