Determining Whether the Letter Size, Number of Words and Length of Text Correspond to the Level of Primary School Students

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  • А. Kuralbayeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


text, types of text, text content, font size, word count, the length of the sentence.


The purpose of this article is to determining whether the letter size, number of words, and length of text correspond to the level of primary school students. The criteria used to collect data in this study: The font size of text criterion, text-title harmony criterion, finding the main idea criterion, the number of word criterion, sentence length criterion, the number of words in sentences criterions. Research work is a descriptive work based on the document analysis method. Primary school
textbooks were used as the data collection tool.
The study established that the literal settings of texts in textbooks, the number of words in the
sentences given in the textbooks of the 2nd and 3rd graders, the average of words per sentence
longer than average words per sentence given in the textbook of the 4th class. Text length in 2, 3, 4
classes was determined that the text length does not correspond to the class level.


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