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extracurricular work, schoolchildren, biological excursions, types of extracurricular work, method, methodology.


This article examines the importance of extracurricular work of pupils in grades 6–8 in the formation of a scientific worldview based on knowledge about wildlife and its inherent laws, biological systems, assimilation of knowledge about the structure, existence, diversity and ecological role of living organisms. The features of the organization of extracurricular work in general biology, botany, zoology, human anatomy and physiology are described.
During the research in the course there were used methods of testing and observing plants and animals in nature, creating visual aids, reports, abstracts, organizing circles of young biologists, exhibitions of pupils' works, biological excursions, biological conferences, and making observation diaries.
In order to determine the effectiveness of the work carried out, a survey of pupils of experimental and control groups was conducted. During the survey, it was revealed that extracurricular lessons influenced the content of the material and increased interest in the subject, the study of various biological literature, the desire to get more additional information about plants and animals. In the organization and content of extracurricular activities in biology, there has always been an independent activity of pupils of a research nature, corresponding to the age characteristics of them. These included independent experiments and observations, performing extracurricular activities, working with reference books, journals, scientific literature.
As a result of the research, this technique can be used by biology teachers as an auxiliary tool in the organization of extracurricular activities.


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